Bootcamp Essentials Package (Becoming Boundaried: The Bootcamp)

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Order summary


Bootcamp Essentials Package (Becoming Boundaried: The Bootcamp)

What's included:

  • One module full of rich training lessons and exercises dripped each month (totaling 8 over 8 months = $2000 total value). You will retain ongoing access to your training modules for the duration of your time in the program.
  • One 5x7 printable cartoon per month (totaling 8 over 8 months = $160 total value)
  • One downloadable PDF companion workbook per month filled with reflection exercises, activities, and space to take notes (totaling 8 over 8 months = $400 total value)
  • One live 60-min group Q&A call with Molly per month (totaling 8 over 8 months = $800+ value)
Due today $97
+ 7 payments

Payment information

All transactions are secured using 256-bit encryption.

If you run into any issues or need help completing your purchase, please get in touch with us at We will be happy to help! ❤️